my family

enaknya not disloyal

Senin, 14 September 2009


Here I start to tell it mengkhianatin kalo ga good. I have a friend, his name is called ja DONI. That loh ... people who had ngekhianatin gw, he was a playboy. Well ... here, gw which he mengkhianatin gentian. Heheee .... Until kbnyakan girls, she likes mnta pulse gwe ma, passenger smslah ... tu hbis after the kembaliin would disturb bnyak, LONTHE!! Pi yadahlah gpp, because the person tu kalo gwe liked BETE smsan, lumayan lah ... wat iseng2an. He once said
to gw kalo ada pacaranya sms, diem ja. Ok gw execute.

2 weeks he was at gw ... gw sih ikhlas2 aja, gw pi annoyed. Napa girl he pnya bnyak2, pi pulses only passenger aja, ya ya? Continued in the afternoon waiting for gw diem pulse come, heheheheee ... tiba2 DONI one girl whose name WINGS (a pseudonym) is an sms. "Waank ni ya?" Gw answered yes, continue to change and Tanya gw blah ... blah ... blah ... keep him nanya about DONI "w ank mau nanya neh, but honestly! G may bo'onk" direct gw guess, would ne girls want nanya about selinkuhan deh, gw ja replied "depends seh, reply of the boyfriends DONI, gw g bs ..." gw funny ye? Well there was also thinking gw, gw mu ngekhianatin nyoba the DONI, emang enak?? Wuikikiki .... it right? The WINGS selinkuhan nanya about? After jawb gw gitu, he blang "nah .. that he, gw mau nanya about it ... gw tu as DONI disappointed, he never told the same gw sih kalo gw him saying the same, and before pnya ngakunya girls, pi a few days later, he also says he actually dah kalo pnya girl n she liked same gw tu ma girl too. In reply he said could dump g, coz she loves to both. "WINGS even vent ma gw, hehee ... YADAH, gw ja replied" gak mau tau loe the DONI girl? "Nah .. gw nanya gitu pas, she agreed n he also pengen gw tau ... YADAH love. At that time, he sms. And you know donk?? BATTLE OCCURRED! Wuakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakak ... ... ... pi si ma gw WINGS say "ah tuh see his girlfriend g, stupid! He g believe, pi he said, he wanted ngelupain the DONI "fit so, seneng wings, because gad a tumbal again for DONI. Well ... keep fit at the time, same WINGS gw so familiar, you feel there gw g gw tu enak.karena impressed as if gw tu ngerebut her boyfriend. WHAT THE FUCKlah Pi ... nonetheless said the same WINGS DONI da dah g quits, gw aja dah ... lanjutin heheee ... day after school gw, gw denger direct him again as his girlfriend telfon2an yg pake only SWEAR! BY GOD!! Bullshit Hahahahahaa ye? Well, it was fitting he began to suspect ma gw, kalo gw which ngasih no. girls to WINGS. Ngaku gw ja. Pi gw BO'ONK (little) gw si reasons WINGS was asked no. hp girl with another name, jd gw kalo g which was mnta WINGS,, ye MUNA hakakaka ... gw? Ah .. pi g DONI bad right? DONI also believe wikikiki ja ... so ... coz da temen gw a belain deket gw, jd DONI more confident. Heheheee ... STUPID again the loyal kauand2ku read this, the WINGS pengen telephone, pi no. gw kan pake IM3 he sedankan XL. Katany,'ve ja pnjem DONI card, starting immediately downk gw ... kalo he suspected gmn?? Kan émigré I,,, WINGS say again "'ve gapapa, telpnya gw kok pake private number." Bener, too ... because he likes mnta pulse DONI gwe, gwe dah tu ja pnjem hp. The DONI allows, coz that telfone girls. Surely he would direct. But he g telfone know this is the WINGS. Wkwkwkwkwkwk ... gw istrirahat same telfon WINGS length. Pi DONI ga realized. Telfon out, he said "ank no.nya ne ya?" AH?? How did he know? Gw said ... aduuh. Gw panic!! Ask WINGS continues the same, uh he said "owh iya gw lupa, kalo private number can be in open" anjrrriiiiiit .... Lemes gw dah .. pi no. that g is called WINGS, so, DONI not yet know that no. syapa. gw panic continued anyway .... Until ... WINGS sms to no. DONI. AHHHHHHH SHIT! DONI directly interrogate gw "LOE ANK ngasih NO. GW WINGS TO YA? "Aduhhh ... who was gw g will say BY GOD>> finally came out, too, rrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggg ... .. oh yes, DONI change no. coz want WINGS DONI g tau no. that. Sms gw donk continue to WINGS 'demen loe sms DONI? "He answered and said the same request maav gw. Gw feel at khianatin n g gw feel too bad've ngekhianatin. Gimana tuh?

After that WINGS disparaging gw, sampe he bener2 honest, bener finally right? He still likes ma sebenernya DONI, pi he said "gw tu confused, gw still like it, but ill-will 'basis ... so I said she cried ... ja ja sembuhin gw tuh nangisnya, gentian gw confide to him .. trus gw he mnta same solution, eeeeee ... ... .... Gw ploy succeeded, he recovered nangisnya, instead he mangasihani gw ... wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

That's all ya kauand??> Still in a lot of silly stories in the life gw, so sering2 visit ya?
reply did not understand the same written comment gw ya? thanks

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